Tomoyuki Miyabayashi
Present - Scientist, Asahi Chemical Industry, Co., Japan.
John Satterlee
Present - Program Director, Division of Basic Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, NIDA, NIH
Marc Colosimo
Present - Customer Solutions Architect, Paradigm 4, Arlington, MA
Katie Nolan
Present - Sr. Technology and Litigation Counsel, Genentech
Alexander van der Linden
Present - Assoc. Prof. Dept of Biology, Univ of Reno, Nevada
David Biron
Present - Asst. Sr. Instructional Professor, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Astrid Cornils
Present - Clinical Research Specialist at TFS Trial Form Support, Germany
Vera Hapiak
Present - Senior Medical Writer, AbbVie, Chicago, IL
Inna Nechipurenko
Present - Asst. Prof. Biology & Biotechnology,WPI, Worcester, MA
Michael O'Donnell
Present - Asst. Prof. Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale, New Haven, CT
David Doroquez
Present - Senior Medical Writer, EBSCO Dynamed, MA
Hannah Lawson
Present - Scientist I, Stoke Therapeutics, Bedford, MA
Ashish Maurya
Present - Senior Scientist, Magnet Biomedicine, Cambridge, MA
Nathan Harris
Present - Asst Prof. Neuroscience Institute Georgia State, Atlanta, GA
Nikhila Krishnan
Present - Field Application Scientist, Leica Microsystems Inc., New York City, NY
Graduate Students
Trina Sarafi-Reinach
Present - Science teacher, High Rock School, Needham, MA
Anne Lanjuin
Present - Research Scientist, Harvard Medical School
Tali Melkman
Present - Lecturer, Hadassah University, Jerusalem, Israel
Eva Nokes
Present - Scientific Support Manager at Corning Life Sciences Therapeutics
Sara Wasserman
Present - Asst. Prof., Dept. of Neuroscience, Wellesley College
Anique Olivier-Mason
Present - Medical Writer, EBSCO
Matt Beverly
Present - Sr. Software engineer, Localytics
Martin Wojtyniak
Present - Sr. Biotechnologist, MITRE
Andrea Brear
Present - High School science teacher, Braintree, MA
Scott Neal
Present - Staff scientist, SUNY Upstate
Anna Hartmann
Present - Senior Research Lab Manager, Greenberg Lab, Harvard Medical School
Anna Kazatskaya
Present - Scientist , Stoke Therapeutics
Danille DiTirro
Present - Scientist, Monogram Biosciences
Lauren Tereshko
Present - Scientist, Biogen
Munzareen Khan
Present - Postdoc, Novartis
Travis Kyani-Rogers
Present - Research Scientist, Sanofi
Tyler Hill
Present - Post-doc, Younger Lab Boston University